Financial Empowerment.
Work with a coach.
We're here to help. Learn more about our Financial Empowerment Classes and one on one and group coaching.
Join us!
“The best part about WSBP is empowerment. The constant reminder of all the possibilities that exist for all of us and that we can and should take the time to figure out what our priorities are and how to make it happen."
Start Up Student
“I didn’t know how to make a budget or work with the small amount of money I had. It’s such an emotional thing, and a terrifying feeling. There is a way out. There’s long-term hope."
Personal Financial Empowerment Class Student
Personal Financial Empowerment Programs
Work with a coach. Attend a group. Take a class. Find hope & clarity.
Start Up:
Comprehensive Business Planning
Our hallmark class. Learn the language of business.
Getting Serious:
Intro to Self-Employment
Think you might want to start a business? Don't
have a business idea?
Women's Small Business Program
We're here for you.
Upcoming Classes
Getting Serious
Wednesday 8/12 + Thursday 8/13
Start Up
September 10 - Decemeber 11
Class held every Thursday 5:30-9PM
Every other Sunday 12-6PM
Personal Financial Empowerment:
Tuesdays, 9/15 - 10/27
Personal Financial Coaching:
Individual Coaching starts September 1, rolling admission
Group Coaching starts in September, 3 groups/month
Gig Life:
Saturday, 11/7 10am-5pm
Tuesday, 11/10 6-9PM
Saturday, 11/14 10am-5pm
Tuesday, 11/17 6-9PM
"The biggest take away for me was to have the confidence to just do it. My husband and I are currently scheming another endeavor and I am able to transfer the skills I learned thru WSBP to roll with the beginnings of a bigger venture. That was my goal and it arrived sooner than I could have expected. I am now comfortable with the uncertainty and fluidity that comes with the beginning stages of creating a business, which I hadn't been before WSBP. "
Start Up Student
“With your professional knowledge, support and wisdom--I was able to pull a dream together--into a business that I pray takes off and I can not wait to do full time!"
Start Up Student
"I wanted to thank you so much for the course and particularly for the exercise where we numerically crosswalked our values with our different business ideas inspired by our talents and strengths. It was an incredibly illuminating activity for me."
Stacy Weinberger, Getting Serious Student
We're here for you.
Upcoming Classes
Contact Director, WSBP, Carmen Tall to learn more and register today!
Getting Serious: Intro to Self-Employment
Thursdays, 5:30 - 8:30 pm
April 5, 12, and 19
Start Up: Comprehensive Business Planning
Thursdays, 5:30 - 9:00 pm
Every other Sunday, 12:00 - 6:00 pm
Fall 2018 dates TBA
Personal Financial Coaching
Individual Coaching - ongoing enrollment